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Teach Yourself Keyboard Piano in 1 Day Workbook Easy to Play Learn Music Lessons

Description: Ambrose PianoTabs Method is a new way of reading music. You will play the piano in minutes within an hour. Have instant fun playing tunes without learning traditional notation. Guaranteed or your money back ! You get posted:32 page color starter book 1 24 tunesPrinted Instructions how to read and play Long Keyboard Guide to put behind your keyboard keys, instead of using stickersColored stickers to put on your keyboard keys as a more permanent aid And Free to Download:- 3,000+ tunes - from our website to print and playPiano Tabs Software change, arrange, listen, write, print, re-size, score, internet find and import MIDI piano tabs music Piano and Keyboard Lessons online Free Games for learning Piano and Keyboard online See some eBay feedback:- "When you create something that requires no explanation and it's use is understood in it's examination, when children fully grasp the meaning inherent in it's presentation... that sir, is genius"You are a music product I have found. It does work. Thanks a lot”"Great idea! Maybe music will be taught this way in the future.”"Simplifies the mystery of piano playing, recommended “Great stuff, really easy to follow, my 8yr old was playing within 10 mins”“Tried my nieces, then ordered my own, Brilliant, Foolproof, Genius. Thank you.”“So easy we had three of us fighting to get our hands on the keyboard, excellent”“It’s true, works great, now playing the piano better than I have ever done”“IF THIS WAS $19.99 IT WOULD STILL BE GREAT VALUE. USE FOR A LIFETIME OF PLEASURE. “AMAZING METHOD OF FAST LEARNING- A must for all- try it & see works A++++ “Silent piano for 40 years, my wife is now playing "Away in a Manger" Thanks”“Fantastic at 46 I can now READ music! Incredible. Lot’s of practice now I’m hooked” “Unbelievable 10 mins & I was able to play and read the music, now teach 8 year old”“Amazing Product, 1hr bit optimistic but that’s just me, was playing in 2hrs WOW!”“As a piano teacher I am very impressed" “Brilliant idea. A genius, Can't stop playing. So easy-played ‘til 2am on day arrived”“I have just been able to play a piano for the first time in 45 years FAB Gt”“Thanks, after years struggling to read music, light at the end of the tunnel” “Fantastic product! Playing 3 songs within 1 hour” “i am the most un musical person on the planet and i can now play ! awesome” “Fantastic! myself daughter and hubby all playing in under an hour! U Genius man Ambrose keyboard method is visual. There is no need to learn the notes or their names. There are no sharps or flats to confuse This notation is not just for beginners, all grades of music are available free online. It is like guitar tabs for piano and transition to ordinary music notation is easy when you want to Be a winner and have your world of music opened up Good luck,Russell Some feedback fun: -“i hAVE MASTERED THE FDINGER EXERCISE BYT VERY SLOW GRASPING PIANO BUT THANKS” > Russell: I wonder why? he types so well “This really works! I'm just having a hard time getting my left hand to join in!” >Russell, I have the same problem“Bought this for me (25) lol and its GREAT 10 mins I played twinkle star pmsl FAB” >Russell, what is PSML ? Below are some letters I have received. Thank you, and keep ‘em coming; don’t be shy: I did leave feedback but there was not enough space to state what I wanted to. I have always loved music, but have never been able to sing or play an instrument. The Christmas before last my partner bought me a keyboard and it had been sitting gathering dust until I discovered Piano Tabs. I was amazed - for the first time in my life, at 46 years old I could actually read music! You have no idea how satisfying it was to "play" a recognisable tune! It is an absolutely fantastic system - lots of practice now, and this certainly makes it more pleasurable. Thank you so very, very much Sharon Hardwick –kimbeverley Hi Russell I am really enjoying playing the piano this way. I started learning 50 years ago and had an older sister who was much better than me so gave it up. As you can imagine that put me off. Now this is pure joy and just for me. I have downloaded some more from your website but what I mustn’t do now is go forward to more difficult tunes until I am fairly proficient. Having said that I do hope to play like Hugo, and then I would be entirely happy. I have downloaded Blue Danube as Strauss was one of my favourites when my sister was playing - also Tales from the Vienna Woods. I didn't get that good to play it myself! I wish you the best of luck with it. Regards, Marian –oddzanendz I purchased the beginners book for Piano Tabs and as a teacher I am very impressed and are keen to try out this system on children. I am interested to know if there are further tutor/music/song books available. If so, details please. I appreciate that plenty of music can be downloaded. Regards, Graham Cousins -grahamc7459 Got it yesterday and my wife was up all night going through your book, I awoke to hear music on the piano that we have had for 40 years (first time ever). I just wanted to say thank you and I have left positive feedback and 5 star rating. My wife is already talking about getting your other books once she masters this one. Thank you again, Dennis. -sellyourstuff4$$ “One of the best things I've found about Piano Tabs is that I've been able to learn a few classical pieces that had previously seemed far too advanced for what I had perceived my skill level too be. It is ideal for beginners but can also bring out the best in intermediate level and self taught players" David Reade Chelmsford James Catterall, Professor of Music Education, University California LA:“Two years of piano can increase children’s academic levels up to two letter grades, math scores up to 40%, and social skills up to two grades level” Apart from the number and color of the lines there are no other differences to ordinary music. This allows easy transition to reading traditional notation once you are ready. Progressive piano teachers should embrace this innovation when they see how quickly their students learn. They are usually pleased to teach you in this method if you ask them to.Beware: don’t expect a good reaction from all piano teachers. Here is a response from someone who responded anonymously to a job advert of mine, using my words from the advert in quotation marks:-...go to music school, lazy dummy, and learn musical theory and notation for at least five years "full or part time".... and then, in case of your "remarkable success" you will maybe "clever enough" to know how to scratch your first scores with your own hand and not "direct from a keyboard". Forget about it, it’s not for beginners at all...I think you should start to realize who you are, and who special music software’s designed for. It’s for professional musicians after ten or more years of musical education only, and not for silly amateurs (as I can see from your request) who don’t even understand what "music lessons" mean.Don’t expect professionals, who obtained music specialty through the years of hard work, to spend time on your "fun", or to make the learning process easier just because you want it, as well as to score something for you, presumptuous idiot....Don’t even address your stupid offer to experienced professional musicians because it’s not for them.....Regards, Experienced piano player and teacher.Diana, March 2009RA – fun isn’t it. It's a fake email address! I wanted to ask her if she would reconsider if it was proven that Piano Tabs advanced her students progress by two years, but I suspect not. Anyway I found two great team members from this advert. You will enjoy playing straight away; theory can be left until later when you are ready to understand more about how music works. Notes for Professional MusiciansThe following text is taken from "Research Colloquium in Systematic Musicology": Psychological Testing of Alternative Music Notations Conventional music notation, in which the tones of a diatonic scale correspond to the lines and spaces of a musical staff, may not be ideally suited for music in which every pitch in the chromatic scale occurs regularly, i.e. for the Western music of the past few centuries. The main problems are that conventional notation represents 12 pitches per octave by means of 7 vertical positions plus sharps and flats, and that it represents the same pitch class quite differently in different octave registers. In response to these problems, countless alternative notations have been developed and proposed in recent centuries. Read (1987) wrote a book about them, and the Music Notation Modernization Association attempted to evaluated many of them systematically. One reason why none of these alternative notations has caught on is presumably that it takes a lot of time and effort to learn a new notation system. Not only professional musicians, but also musicologists (including music psychologists and music theorists) invest enormous amounts of time learning to read conventional music notation. Understandable, they don't want to have to start again from scratch. So they tend to avoid the problem of conventional notation's shortcomings and the evaluation of alternatives by regarding the problem either as irrelevant ("conventional notation obviously cannot be improved") or impossible to solve ("it is clearly impossible to decide among the many possible alternatives"). But perhaps the real reason is that it is not worth learning an alternative notation unless a very large library of musical scores in that notation exists, so that one can always find the score of a specific piece. Whatever the reason, the problem has achieved a kind of taboo status. Experience with other academic taboos (think for example of the role of sexuality in music analysis) suggests that this taboo will one day be broken. In recent years, the question of alternative notations has again become interesting - for a quite different reason. Modern computing technology makes it possible to automatically transcribe printed music in conventional western notation into other systems. This means that it is finally worth investing the time and effort into learning an alternative system.Source: Giles A, (1983). Reading music. Clavier, 17(8) “More piano students give up piano study because of reading problems than for any other single reason.People don't give up activities that they enjoy. But if each piece presents a learning prospect to be dreaded, the result is predictable. We should not be surprised that the country is overrun by millions of people who 'used to play the piano,' but who now cannot pick out a single-note melody at the keyboard.” See Professor of music Denver University Jerald Lepinsky on the same subject:-“It is now unnecessary -- and it should be unacceptable -- that we relegate most of our citizens to a role of illiterate spectators in their favorite art! The great educational deficit among normally educated people is music. Most adults remember just one lesson from their music classes” -- "Music is too difficult!" Most of us are reluctant to try a new computer program because we hate opening the manual and having to decipher it. Most piano students have the same attitude with every new piece of music Piano Tabs is simple to read because each of the twelve notes has its own space on the lines (a chromatic scale) sharps and flats are no longer difficult to read. Both left and right hand lines represent the same notes. Notes outside the normal range are as easy to read on ledger lines as any other note. Beginners have no difficulty read music over six octaves. The benefit is that Piano Tabs cuts out years of tedious struggle. The time saved can be spent usefully, on learning how to play music. An instant start is achievable for everybody and this opens up the world of music to those with less natural ability. Instant gratification works to keep students interested and enjoying making music. WYSIWYG - Key Signatures, Tonality, and Accidentals,What You See Is What You Get. Piano Tabs uses a chromatic staff with no sharp or flat signs and no need of a key signature to play the right notes. This makes all notes and key signatures equally easy to read and play. In traditional notation it is much more difficult to read music in some keys than in others. C# Major is as easy as C Major in APM. Clefs and StavesUnlike the traditional diatonic staff, Piano Tabs staves repeat with each octave, on the octave. This means that a note has the same appearance in every octave. This makes notes easier to recognize and play and there is no need for different clefs. This is a significant advantage over the use of four different clefs as in traditional notation (treble, bass, alto, and tenor) where the staves look identical but whose notes are different. Interval Relationships compared to Traditional NotationProportional Pitch Spacing of lines means intervals are recognizable at all positions on the stave, each chord has the same pattern in all keys and all positions.Please see a discussion on this subject at The Music Notation Project site:- “At first it may seem that chromatic staves are best suited for atonal, non-diatonic music, but actually they are very well-suited for diatonic music. Unlike traditional notation, they give a consistently accurate representation of the intervals between notes, including the intervals found in the diatonic music. In all scales in any position it is easy to distinguish between half step and whole step intervals. This difference is obscured in traditional notation, though it is fundamental to diatonic scales - both in how they sound and in how they are played. Chromatic staves make it easier to recognize and understand these and other important diatonic intervals such as major or minor thirds, fourths, fifths, and chords”.Interval recognition is easier in Piano Tabs but different and will take time for the traditional musician to get used to. The following paragraph is taken from and demonstrates transition to standard notation.“The second point is an example of a very bright, successful 13 year old who played the Bach Invention in d minor at my last student recital. I asked him to try the Klavar notation from the progressive Hal Leonard Student Piano Library series. Within 45 minutes he was in Book V playing pieces he never seen before. He said he found it a much easier system to read. I asked him if he would rather have worked on the Invention that way and he quickly said yes that it would have been easier to learn. That a successful student found this system easier to use after 45 minutes than the conventional system after four years says something that should not be ignored.” The DisadvantagesFor the 5 accidentals to have their own space a chromatic stave requires about 20% more vertical space than traditional music. Another disadvantage of Piano Tabs is the lack of music in all styles and grades. This is being addressed by a team of professional musicians who score for our library. By encouraging users to upload contributions to our website library I hope to have a comprehensive range of music available to all free of charge before long. Historical BackgroundThere have been hundreds of attempts to improve traditional notation in the 800 years since Guido of Arezzo in Italy invented traditional music notation. A chromatic system called Klavarscribo was the most successful alternative notation introduced so far. Introduced in 1931 it still has thousands of players and teachers around the world. The failure of Klavarscribo to be widely adopted was put down to the lack of sheet music available. With the vast amount of internet MIDI files and uploading from users’ Piano Tabs is not restricted by this. Piano Tabs has the following advantages over Klavarscribo: -Colors identify every key on the keyboard with ease. B+W is available for those without color printersLines are horizontal making music reading naturalFonts, designs, spellings, durations etc of notes are identical to traditional notationEasy progression to traditional notation when the student is readyUnlimited contemporary FREE music available from the internet and our libraryAll keys signatures are equally easy to readTied notes can be faded to avoid confusionRests can be hidden for simplification when requiredFour styles of ledger lines availableStem direction can be selected to denote left and right handMusic can be as large as you wish Great for children, beginners and older studentsAlter the arrangement to your taste or abilityTranspose music into any keyHear the music as you play, at any speed or any instrument soundEnglish words (v Italian) used when the meaning is clearerA metronome is an optionThese features make APM reading easy to learn for beginners without losing the quality required by the professional musician. APM can be used for all instruments, not just the piano Transition to traditional music.PianoTabs uses the same notes, annotation and musical spelling as traditional notation, Piano Tabs lines and colors are the only difference. Examples prove that once a player becomes accomplished there is an easy transfer over to reading traditional notation. Bobby Chen, a concert pianist, learned to read and Piano Tabs music to a high level performance in less than 15 minutes. When the library of music in Piano Tabs becomes large enough there may never be a need to use traditional notation for most users. When you speak to adults who gave up on piano lessons they often say they couldn't read music because they are slightly dyslexic. However the same people can read PianoTabs easily, therefore it cannot be sexdaily (dyslexia dummy) that was the cause. The fault lies with the great difficulty of learning to read traditional notation. Thank you for your interestRegardsRussell Ambrose, London.

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Teach Yourself Keyboard Piano in 1 Day Workbook Easy to Play Learn Music LessonsTeach Yourself Keyboard Piano in 1 Day Workbook Easy to Play Learn Music LessonsTeach Yourself Keyboard Piano in 1 Day Workbook Easy to Play Learn Music LessonsTeach Yourself Keyboard Piano in 1 Day Workbook Easy to Play Learn Music LessonsTeach Yourself Keyboard Piano in 1 Day Workbook Easy to Play Learn Music LessonsTeach Yourself Keyboard Piano in 1 Day Workbook Easy to Play Learn Music LessonsTeach Yourself Keyboard Piano in 1 Day Workbook Easy to Play Learn Music LessonsTeach Yourself Keyboard Piano in 1 Day Workbook Easy to Play Learn Music LessonsTeach Yourself Keyboard Piano in 1 Day Workbook Easy to Play Learn Music LessonsTeach Yourself Keyboard Piano in 1 Day Workbook Easy to Play Learn Music LessonsTeach Yourself Keyboard Piano in 1 Day Workbook Easy to Play Learn Music LessonsTeach Yourself Keyboard Piano in 1 Day Workbook Easy to Play Learn Music Lessons

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Bundle: Yes

Format: Collection/Song Book

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Country/Region of Manufacture: United Kingdom

Experience Level: Beginner

Genre: Children, Classical

Instrument: keyboard, Piano


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