Maurizio Taiuti

EZorb Calcium (1 Powder) Absorbs 92%, Bone Spurs, Osteoporosis, Arthritis Health

Description: Elixir Industry EZorb Calcium Aspartate Anhydrous Powder EZorb Calcium Aspartate Anhydrous (1 bottle) Powder (100 Grams Fine Powder, Approx. 75 tsp.) EZorb Calcium is a plant based calcium aspartate anhydrous supplement that absorbs at an unprecedented 92%. This is simply the highest absorption rate of any calcium product on the market and the secret to resolving your bone, joint and muscle health challenges. This makes EZorb Calcium the best calcium supplement available anywhere. Raw materials of EZorb Calcium Powder (on this page) or EZorb Calcium Capsules and are made of organic compounds and extracted from plants and vegetables in America and guaranteed to be soluble for maximum absorption. Click here to view all EZorb Calcium products and discounts. EZorb Calcium Aspartate Anhydrous Holds The World's Record for Calcium Absorption at 92%, And because of that... The Benefits To Your Health Are Quite Stunning! When your body receives the proper amount of highly absorbable calcium on a daily basis, you will notice many excellent health benefits Grow stronger, healthier bones improving your bone density Eliminate pain and dissolve bone spurs such as foot spurs, heel spurs, shoulder spurs, elbow spurs, spine spurs, hip spurs, cervical spurs, achilles heel spurs Helps relieve bone pain, joint pain, nerve pain, back pain, and muscle pain Helps restore damaged cartilage by enhancing joint metabolism and increasing Type II collagen production Stimulates osteoblasts (bone forming cell) activities to make sure calcium is converted to bone mass Encourages production of joint collagen and synovial fluid Protects your teeth by keeping the jaw bone strong and sturdy throughout your life, which ensures tight fitting teeth Helps in transportation of nutrients into cell membranes Helps to maintain a healthy pH level, thereby improving your vitality and overall health Helps cardiac muscles to contract and relax properly Plays a crucial role in nerve transmission and muscular function Helps to improve sleep, reduce fatigue and muscle pain Who can benefit from this highly effective calcium supplement? EVERYONE! IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Please read our FAQ below to understand what to expect and how long it will take to begin noticing health improvements. EZorb Calcium is simply the highest absorbing calcium supplement on the market today and the best calcium supplement for women, children and men. If you want maximum effectiveness from a calcium product, it MUST have a high absorption rate. Adults and Seniors: As we age our bones become more porous and weak resulting in osteoporosis which can lead to fractures and broken bones. EZorb Calcium is going to provide your body with highly absorbable calcium to strengthen and defend your bones, support healthy joints and muscles and speed up recovery from accidents and injuries. Children & Teens: EZorb Calcium is the best friend for children and teens. Calcium is essential to their bones, teeth and muscle development. Choosing a good calcium supplement for your kids is critical to their growth. Traditional calcium supplements may damage their stomach and cause problems in the long run. EZorb has the highest absorption rate and it does not have any side effects. It is simply the best calcium source for all ages. Pregnant Women & Nursing Mothers: During the last three months of pregnancy, calcium intake is crucial because the baby's bones are developing. Babies in utero always take the nutrients they need from their mothers, whether or not they leave anything for their mother's bodies to use. If you don't get enough calcium in your diet your baby will be fine in terms of bone and teeth development because the baby will mobilize your own stores of calcium; but relying on your own calcium stores to build your baby's bones can be detrimental to you in the long run. You can develop osteoporosis later in life if you don't consume enough calcium for both you and your growing baby. Our recommended dosage for you is 6-8 capsules or 3-4 teaspoons of powder a day. A typical calcium supplement absorbs 5% to 25%. Due to these very low absorption rates it can cause a variety of health problems for consumers such as calcium deposits, stones, bone spurs and constipation. Because of the 92% absorption rate of EZorb Calcium there is no need to worry about painful kidney stones, small intestine stones, and G.I. distress. In fact, with EZorb Calcium, you will not experience any of the other typical side effects of consuming a low absorbing calcium supplement. Why EZorb Calcium is so effective for all types of bone, joint and muscle disorders Due to the high absorption rate of EZorb Calcium, it has the ability to raise your bone, joint and muscle metabolism. As we grow older our metabolism naturally slows down, when that happens we begin to experience all types of bone, joint and muscle health challenges including arthritis, osteopenia, osteoporosis, bone spurs, fibromyalgia, etc. For some people this process happens faster than others. That's why some people experience bone loss, muscle and joint pain and bone spurs in their 30's or 40's. The only way to correct all those problems is to raise your bone, joint and muscle metabolisms. That's exactly what EZorb does and that's why EZorb Calcium is so effective against many bone, joint and muscle health challenges. EZorb Calcium For Bone Health There is no other calcium supplement on the market that can be compared to EZorb Calcium with its unmatched, high absorption rate and high bio availability. Its unique approach of increasing bone density by stimulating osteoblasts (bone forming cell) activities to make sure calcium is converted to bone mass. That's why EZorb is so effective in building strong healthy bones. In addition to building strong healthy bones, EZorb Calcium has the unqiue ability to relieve pain caused by bone spurs. A bone spur, also called an osteophyte, is an abnormal growth of bone on top of normal bone. Although it is called a spur, a bone spur is not sharp. It is actually smooth to the touch. But because a bone spur grows on top of normal bone where it doesn't belong, it can press on other bones as well as on ligaments, tendons, and nerves, wearing them down and causing pain. Since bone spurs are calcium deposits, it might seem strange that in order to stop a calcium deposit, you need to increase your calcium intake. In order to understand this paradox it is important to understand the process of a bone spur formation. What happens is that when the body's store of calcium is running low, it begins to extract calcium from the bones of the body, especially from a part that is weak. As the calcium is being slowly withdrawn from the bone in question, it causes what may be called an eruption from which the bone material is drawn out into the blood stream. This eruption is the bone spur, and it will carry on extracting its contents until the right amount of calcium along with other vital minerals is provided by the body. This leaching process of the bone spur is best eliminated by supplementing your diet with a highly absorbable calcium supplement. EZorb Calcium For Joint Health EZorb encourages production of joint collagen and synovial fluid so that joint cartilage is repaired and joints are kept lubricated. EZorb is unquestionably the best calcium supplement on the market for joint health. All of these Amazing actions is what sets EZorb Calcium Aspartate Anhydrous apart from the competition. EZorb Calcium For Muscle Health Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body and is necessary to help muscles and blood vessels contract and expand. Giving your body the proper amount of highly absorbable calcium can help your muscles function better, relieving pain and tightness. What our customers report to us about EZorb Calcium My husband is 82 and has birth defect of the spine and also degenerative spinal discs, rheumatoid arthritis and is also a diabetic, therefore suffers a lot of pain. I ordered the EZorb Calcium capsules for him, and after about two or three months, his constant pain lessened to where we could lower his arthritis pain medicines. We praise God for finding out about EZorb and thankful for a better and happier quality of life!!! I have been using Ezorb Calcium around three years. I received great results on my Bone Density Test the next year after beginning Ezorb. My physician was very pleased and advised me to continue using this great calcium. I was relieved that it wasn't necessary to take one of the prescription medications for bone loss. Hi! I have fibromyalgia, severe degenerative joint disease and osteoarthritis. It all began with a broken ankle four years ago. Two months ago I was searching the internet for information about fibromyalgia and came upon Ezorb. I am the caretaker of my hospice-bound mother and the constant pain was becoming crippling. I knew I had to do something. I ordered both the tablets and the powder. Within the week of receiving my order, I noticed that the deep and sharp pains had begun to lessen but I didn't want to jinx myself. I waited another week and, even though I still had some pain, I could move and walk with much more ease. Everyone was noticing the difference. Then I ran out of the tablets without realizing it. I tried the powder but, for some reason, I couldn't stand the taste in any liquid. So I ordered 6 more containers of the tablets. Those six days without the product were horrible. The pain was back and I couldn't believe how stupid I was for not realizing that I only had the powder left. I will never be without these miracle tablets again. I gave the powder to a friend and she can take it and does. Thank you for producing a product that has allowed me to function without the pain. I had forgotten how it feels to be painless. Greetings, I just ordered another bottle of EZorb powder and I wanted to tell you how happy I am with EZorb. I started taking it because I had heel spurs and the pain was excruciating. I decided to try EZorb because I always had difficulty with calcium supplements in the past; I always became unreasonably irritable after taking them. I couldn't stand myself and I wanted to avoid the moodiness and nastiness so I stopped taking them at a time in my life when I needed them. EZorb worked!! But even more than ending the pain of heel spurs, I found after 3 months that my shoulders didn't hurt as much and the longer I take it, the better my knees are. I was diagnosed with arthritis in my knees a year earlier and was coping with the constant pain and stiffness as best I could. I still have some pain but my knees hurt so much less and I can do so much more than I could. I thank you very much for this product. Janice K. Hi, my name is Hedy. It all started with knitting, believe it or not. A few years ago I did a lot of knitting and began to have terrible pain in my neck. I underwent physiotherapy and it got somewhat better, however, shortly thereafter my husband suffered a stroke and I began wheeling his wheelchair up and down the ramp along with lifting things at certain times and then my right shoulder began to give me lots of pain. I had physiotherapy along with a cortisone injection but was told that due to my wheeling my husband around I would never be pain free. My arm was so bad that I couldn't even lift it up. Combing my hair became a real challenge. At the same time one of our friends was suffering from back pain, Fibromyalgia, etc. and I was looking on the internet if I couldn't find something to help her when I came across Ezorb. After reading all about it and the testimonials I thought this might be something good for me. I ordered the Ezorb capsules and within one day after taking them I had no neck pain and have never had it since. My shoulder began to feel better and got progressively better and better until I can literally say the pain is just about gone. I tell everyone I know about Ezorb because it turned my life around. When friends see all the things I do with my husband they are just amazed. Thank you so much for this product. I just don't have enough words to say how thankful I am that I came across your product. I just started taking Marvlix and am anxious to see what this product will do for me. I'm definitely a happy camper and will continue promoting Ezorb. EZorb Calcium Frequently Asked Questions Elemental Calcium is listed on the label, What is Elemental Calcium? Calcium as an element doesn't exist by itself. It always comes in the form of a compound. There are thousands of calcium products out there but they all come down to a handful of compounds, e.g., Calcium compounds include calcium carbonate, calcium citrate, calcium gluconate, and calcium oratate. In EZorb, the calcium compound is calcium aspartate anhydrous. Elemental calcium is the amount of calcium as an element. When people ask the question about elemental calcium, they really try to measure it against the RDA of calcium intake. The 1000-1500mg RDA of calcium intake was established a long time ago and it totally ignored the fact that different calcium products have dramatically different calcium absorption rates. For example, if you were to take 1500mg calcium from calcium carbonate, your body only gets to absorb 15mg (1%) to 75mg (5%) of calcium. What's more important is not how much you take, it's how much your body gets to absorb. Currently there's no common standard on how much calcium your body should absorb each and every day. The suggested dosage of EZorb has been clinically tested and proven to be the best for different weight groups. Calcium is an element like iron, oxygen, or hydrogen. It cannot be broken down into any other forms. That is where the word elemental comes from. Elements easily join together to form compounds, otherwise known as molecules. Calcium combines with carbon and oxygen, two other elements, to make the very common dietary calcium formulation known as calcium carbonate, which is the main ingredient in TUMS. So, the molecule known as calcium carbonate contains elemental calcium, elemental carbon, and elemental oxygen. When calcium carbonate is digested, the calcium that is bound to carbon and oxygen breaks away to return to its elemental form. This quantity is known as elemental calcium. The percentage of elemental calcium in calcium carbonate that is available for our bodies to absorb, is 40 %. It is this number of milligrams (mg) of elemental calcium that we need to count towards meeting our daily recommended amount of calcium. Using calcium carbonate as an example, for every tab that contains 1000 mg of calcium carbonate, 400 mg (the 40 %) of that tablet is elemental calcium and becomes available for absorption in the digestive system. In case you were wondering what the other 60 % of the tablet is, remember that it is the other two elements, carbon and oxygen. Other calcium supplements work the same way. They are all calcium compounds which contain different amounts of elemental calcium, depending on the particular formulation. Another common calcium supplement formulation, calcium citrate, works the same way. It provides 20 % of the elemental calcium. This means that, if we take a 1000 mg tab of calcium citrate, we will have available 200 mg of calcium by itself. So, it’s important to read the labels on any supplement that you take. Ask your pharmacist if it doesn’t seem clear. And remember, it’s the elemental calcium that counts! What is in the EZorb Calcium? EZorb Calcium is made of organic compounds. Unlike inorganic calcium sources such as calcium carbonate, calcium citrate or calcium gluconate, which are easily found in the earth as reefs, rocks or limestone, EZorb Calcium is scientifically synthesized based on Elixir Industry's proprietary technology, and is guaranteed to be soluble for absorption and subsequent bio-utilization. EZorb Calcium is made of anhydrous l-aspartic acid chelates of calcium, also referred to as anhydrous calcium aspartate. Anhydrous calcium aspartate is the most stable form of calcium aspartate. It is created by binding molecules of l-aspartic acids to atoms of calcium. Laboratory tests show that anhydrous calcium aspartate is 6 times more stable than other forms of calcium aspartate. Among various forms of calcium aspartate, anhydrous calcium aspartate stands out with an unprecedented 92% absorption rate. L-aspartic acid is one of the important amino acids that make up the human body. When bonded to calcium, l-aspartic acids serve as body guards to protect calcium against attacks from inorganic compounds regularly found in foodstuffs. They also function as transport media to deliver calcium to the destination where calcium consumption takes place. The raw materials of EZorb are extracted from plants and vegetables. Why is EZorb Calcium superior to inorganic calcium sources? In contrast to the high-tech nature of EZorb Calcium, common inorganic minerals that are used in majority of vitamin and mineral supplements today are minerals that are easily found in nature or in the earth as rocks or limestone. EZorb Calcium is formed of l-aspartic acid chelates of calcium. L-aspartic acid chelates of calcium (also referred to as anhydrous calcium aspartate) and common inorganic calcium supplements are not considered in the same league in the school of nutrition. First of all, EZorb Calcium is substantially more bioavailable than common inorganic minerals. In order for calcium supplements to be absorbed by body, they have to be soluble in the luminal fluid of the small intestine. The pH of the small intestinal fluid below the duodenum is 7.0-7.2. Inorganic calcium supplements will form insoluble hydroxides and become nonabsorbable at this pH. EZorb Calcium, on the other hand, is well shielded by l-aspartic acids, and will not precipitate. As a result, EZorb Calcium commands an unmatched 92% absorption rate which is 3-9 times higher than that of calcium carbonate or calcium citrate. Secondly, EZorb is the only supplement that increases bone density by stimulating osteoblast activities and enhancing collagen production. Thirdly, choosing EZorb Calcium also prevents gastrointestinal (G.I.) distress. Inorganic calcium supplements can cause magma precipitation. This precipitation can coat the mucous membrane, resulting in diarrhea and constipation. Anhydrous calcium aspartate, however, does not form magma precipitation, and using them will not cause stomach disorders, small intestine stones or kidney stones. In addition EZorb Calcium is kept intact from many compounds regularly found in foodstuffs. Those compounds that commonly exist in foods, such as carbonates, phosphates, oxalates and phytates, oftentimes attach themselves to inorganic calcium to form insoluble precipitates. These precipitates will further reduce the absorption of calcium in the small intestine. Finally using EZorb Calcium helps protect vitamin stability. Inorganic calcium may serve as a catalyst to further the oxidation and degradation of vitamins. Chelated calcium, on the other hand, are well shielded by bonded organic ligands. They will not come in contact with vitamin molecules; thus, the vitamins will be protected from oxidation and degradation. And since magma precipitation is prevented, EZorb Calcium will not absorb vitamins and cause them to become nonabsorbable - problems that common inorganic mineral are known to cause. How do you compare EZorb Calcium to your competitors products? Competing products including various forms of amino acid chelates of calcium available for commercial use are in hydrous form, in other words, they all contain two or more crystalline water in the molecules. As a result, the bonding of amino acid molecules to calcium ions is often too weak to stay stable. Hydrous form of calcium aspartate will become insoluble in the pH environment of the small intestine, and will not be bioavailable for absorption. In essence they are not better than common inorganic calcium supplements. EZorb Calcium is made of anhydrous (waterless) chelates of two l-aspartic acid molecules and a single calcium ion. The strong and stable bonding of l-aspartic acid ligands to the calcium allows complete dissolution over a wide range of pH values. We guarantee that EZorb Calcium is soluble in the small intestine for absorption and subsequent bio-utilization. How do you compare EZorb Calcium with Coral Calcium? Coral calcium products are composed of calcium carbonate, the very same inorganic calcium compound you may find in other sources such as rocks or limestone. From a scientific point of view, there is hardly any difference between coral calcium and other once popular traditional calcium supplements such as Tums. They are all hard to absorb, and may all cause kidney stones, lung stones and small intestine stones in the long run. On the other hand, the development of EZorb Calcium was powered by many years of persistent research on the myth of Okinawa and a latest technology breakthrough. The technology invented literally reduced thousand-year evolution process in the nature to a few months. EZorb Calcium works even better than its natural counterpart. It has achieved significantly higher absorption and works in a wider range of pH environment. The tremendous success of EZorb Calcium is a victory of science and mankind. Once again it proves to the world that nature wonders CAN be explained by modern science, and CAN be enhanced to produce better results. Why doesn't EZorb Calcium contain Vitamin D or magnesium? Traditional calcium supplements are hardly absorbed in the pH medium of the small intestine. With the help of Vitamin D, their absorption rate is slightly higher. Taking traditional calcium supplements also suppress your body's ability to absorb magnesium. In the pH environment of the small intestine, inorganic minerals tend to attach themselves to one another and form magma precipitation. Once precipitated, the minerals become nonabsorbable. Therefore taking inorganic calcium supplements will dramatically reduce magnesium absorption. And that is exactly why one needs to supplement magnesium while taking inorganic calcium. EZorb Calcium, on the other hand, does not need participation of Vitamin D for better absorption. Calcium aspartate anhydrous (CalAA) is absorbed in its molecular form therefore it doesn't need to use Vitamin D as a carrier to penetrate the mucous membrane. CalAA doesn't interact with other compounds thanks to its strong molecular structure. Therefore EZorb will not affect magnesium absorption. What should I expect to feel when I start taking EZorb Calcium? Although the time frame for each individual is different, everyone will begin noticing some level of improvements in 6-12 weeks. Some customers will notice improvements before 6 weeks, but we ask all customers who are serious about improving their health with this high absorbing calcium supplement to give it a minimum of 12 weeks before you evaluate the effectiveness. In general you will notice that you have more energy, sleep better, and experience less aches, pains and cramps. Of course if you are taking EZorb Calcium for its bone health benefits only, you may not notice any of those types of improvements. Fibromyalgia patients typically notice improvement within 3 weeks, if not just a couple of days, of starting EZorb. You will have much better sleep and have more energy during the day. Muscles will become relaxed and pain levels will drop dramatically. Even vision will become more clear. For people who have arthritis and/or bone spurs you will start seeing results in about 6-12 weeks. Pain level will reduce continuously while joint cartilage is being repaired. You'll notice that the spurs gradually shrink. Theoretically people with osteoporosis are not expected to see results until next bone density check. However, since your bone and joint metabolisms are quite low you may also have developed other problems such as joint pain, for which you will notice the difference in 6-12 weeks. I'm a vegetarian. Which form of EZorb Calcium is best for me? EZorb Powder contains 100% pure calcium aspartate anhydrous (CalAA). CalAA is strictly derived from vegi source. The manufacturing process was designed and implemented specifically to meet vegetarians' requirements. Please use EZorb Powder if you are a vegetarian. EZorb Capsules use gelatin caps that are made from non-vegetarian source. Which is more effective? Powder or Capsules EZorb Powder and EZorb Capsules are equally effective and absorb at 92%. Some people like the powder for ease of use - no pills to swallow. Others like the capsules for convenience. What is the Importance of Collagen for Bone Health? Collagen is a type of protein that is abundant in the human body, as it is with all living creatures. In humans different systems and parts of the body require different proteins that have a variety of functions. It is these "functional proteins" that are the essence of life. Proteins are constructed from biological building blocks called amino acids and are used for a whole host of things, e.g. within blood (for carrying molecules and for clotting), for digestion (enzymes are proteins), for movement (muscle), etc. etc. There are about 20 amino acids that occur in nature and different proteins are built from some or all of these. By using different numbers of amino acids and by altering the relative sequence of them it is possible to make unique proteins, with unique qualities. One other major role of proteins is that of "structural proteins", i.e. those proteins that contribute to and sustain the integrity of the human structure. Collagen is a structural protein and in this sense is both "functional" and "structural". Collagen is unique and also has two amino acids not found in other biological proteins; they are hydroxylated versions of known amino acids that confer special properties. Collagen is found in a number of tissues, in various sub forms, but is particularly abundant within and around joints. Tendon and cartilage owe much of their desirable properties to collagen. Collagen containing structures, such as the ones mentioned, are prone to wear and tear in the body. Indeed, they are in a constant state of turnover, as with most tissues, but have the disadvantage of having a poor blood supply (this does not favor ease of repair). Due to the demands upon the collagen containing structures (movement and weight bearing) and their slower ability to repair it is vital that we optimize the conditions for helping to maintain joint mobility. Bones with sufficient collagen stay strong and elastic. Bones with low levels of collagen are brittle and easily broken. Wear and tear of joint cartilage is the major cause of osteoarthritis. Joint cartilage is 95% built with collagen. The more collagen you have in the joints the less chance you will develop osteoarthritis. If we consider all the above points, what we need is a way of speeding up collagen production so as to help the repair processes of collagen structures in a safe and preferably natural way. EZorb Calcium is one of the most effective solutions for that purpose. Clinical trial results indicate that the symptoms associated with collagen structure degradation, osteoporosis and osteoarthritis included, are clearly reduced while taking EZorb. EZorb Calcium stimulates metabolism to enhance collagen formation in bones and joints. As a result, bone density will increase and cartilage will be repaired. EZorb Calcium Dosage Instructions: Unlike other calcium supplements, your dosage will be determined by two factors. The first being your weight, see chart below. Second, choose from the JumpStart Daily Dosage or Optimum Daily Dosage. There is no need to space out dosage, or take more than once a day with the exception of Fibromyalgia customers. See instructions below. JumpStart Daily Dosage is the highest dosage for your weight range for the first 90 days. This dosage is especially helpful for anyone that is dealing with pain and wants to accelerate their improvements as quickly as possible. Optimum Daily Dosage will give you the optimum daily amount of highly absorbable calcium your body needs. EZorb Calcium is available in capsules (on this page) or powder and can be taken with or without food. Special Instructions for Fibromyalgia Customers : Fibromyalgia customers should avoid taking this product in the afternoon or early evening. Some Fibromyalgia patients may feel sleepy after taking EZorb in the afternoon or early evening. Fibromyalgia patients should take this product twice a day, in the morning and at night, half an hour to one hour before bedtime. Drug Interaction : EZorb has not been found to interact with any other medications or supplements. Side Effects : EZorb does not have any known side effects EZorb Calcium Daily Dosage Chart <100 Lbs JumpStart Daily Dosage - 6 capsules or 2 tsp powder Optimum Daily Dosage - 4 capsules or 1.5 tsp powder 100 lbs - 160 lbs JumpStart Daily Dosage - 8 capsules or 2.5 tsp powder Optimum Daily Dosage - 6 capsules or 2 tsp powder 161 lbs - 210 lbs JumpStart Daily Dosage - 10 capsules or 3.5 tsp powder Optimum Daily Dosage - 8 capsules or 2.5 tsp powder 211 lbs - 270 lbs JumpStart Daily Dosage - 12 capsules or 4 tsp powder Optimum Daily Dosage - 10 capsules or 3.5 tsp powder 271 lbs > JumpStart Daily Dosage - 14 capsules or 4.5 tsp powder Optimum Daily Dosage - 12 capsules or 4 tsp powder International Customs: We are not responsible for import fees or taxes levied by your country of entry. It is the customer's responsibility for any duties, tariffs, customs charges or additional charges required by the country of entry. If you have questions regarding customs or duties charges and procedures in your country please contact your customs office.

Price: 56.95 USD

Location: Pelham, Alabama

End Time: 2023-11-25T20:13:43.000Z

Shipping Cost: 3.5 USD

Product Images

EZorb Calcium (1 Powder) Absorbs 92%, Bone Spurs, Osteoporosis, Arthritis HealthEZorb Calcium (1 Powder) Absorbs 92%, Bone Spurs, Osteoporosis, Arthritis HealthEZorb Calcium (1 Powder) Absorbs 92%, Bone Spurs, Osteoporosis, Arthritis HealthEZorb Calcium (1 Powder) Absorbs 92%, Bone Spurs, Osteoporosis, Arthritis HealthEZorb Calcium (1 Powder) Absorbs 92%, Bone Spurs, Osteoporosis, Arthritis HealthEZorb Calcium (1 Powder) Absorbs 92%, Bone Spurs, Osteoporosis, Arthritis HealthEZorb Calcium (1 Powder) Absorbs 92%, Bone Spurs, Osteoporosis, Arthritis HealthEZorb Calcium (1 Powder) Absorbs 92%, Bone Spurs, Osteoporosis, Arthritis HealthEZorb Calcium (1 Powder) Absorbs 92%, Bone Spurs, Osteoporosis, Arthritis HealthEZorb Calcium (1 Powder) Absorbs 92%, Bone Spurs, Osteoporosis, Arthritis HealthEZorb Calcium (1 Powder) Absorbs 92%, Bone Spurs, Osteoporosis, Arthritis HealthEZorb Calcium (1 Powder) Absorbs 92%, Bone Spurs, Osteoporosis, Arthritis HealthEZorb Calcium (1 Powder) Absorbs 92%, Bone Spurs, Osteoporosis, Arthritis Health

Item Specifics

Restocking Fee: No

Return shipping will be paid by: Buyer

All returns accepted: Returns Accepted

Item must be returned within: 30 Days

Refund will be given as: Money Back

Country/Region of Manufacture: United States

Department: Unisex

Formulation: Vegetarian Powder

Supplement Purpose: Bone, Joint, Muscle Health

Active Ingredients: Calcium Aspartate Anhydrous

Brand: Elixir


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