Maurizio Taiuti

Computational Software - Physical Sciences/Engineering

Description: cs2058 - Computational Programs for the Physical Sciences and Engineering for Linux/UNIX, Windows, and other systems. cs2058 - A collection computational programs for the solution of physics problems. Many are specifically for Electromagnetic problems. Others specific to the field dynamics. Still others are quite general. Copyright 2006 Edition Arnold Kochman. Other copyrights apply, including but not limited to the . Users will need one of the commonly available unzip type utilities, such as PKUNZIP or WinZip, tar for Linux, etc. Programs are distributed with source, when appropriate, and some programs in C, for example, will have to be compiled. The various packages are at different levels of maturity and completeness, and I cannot certify that they are all worthwhile for any particular purpose. Here is a listing of the packages included: Computational Software Packages Method-of-Moments EM Field Simulator - GLMoM - An electromagnetic field simulator using Method of Moments (MoM). It has a MFC/OpenGL-based GUI and can simulate and visualize scattering and radiation problems in homogeneous and multilayered media. GLMoM runs under all 32-bit Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP systems. It is written in C++ and is distributed under the terms of the BSD License. pdnmesh Finite Element program - pdnmesh - An automatic 2D Delaunay mesh generator and solver for Finite Element Analysis. Can solve 2D field problems (Poisson and Helmholtz Equations). It will also do post-processing to generate contour plots and Postscript printouts. GUI support using GTK or MFC (Win32) is available, but OpenGL is required. The problem definition can be done in any form and given to pdnMesh as an input data file. Drawing Exchange Format (DXF) files can be directly imported to pdnmesh. The quality and the coarseness of the mesh can be controlled by giving input parameters. pdnMesh is written in C and is distributed persuant to the GNU General Public License (GPL). OFELI - Object Finite Element LIbrary - An object oriented library of C++ classes for development of finite element codes. Its addresses several matrix scenarios: dense, sparse, skyline, tridiagonal. It includes several preconditioned iterative solution strategies, and the most popular finite element shape functions. The distribution also contains: a guided tutorial on how to use and develop finite element codes using the library; elaborated codes for various types of problems; extensive documentation in PDF and HTML formats; and utility programs to convert mesh and output files and to generate simple meshes. OFELI runs on 32-bit Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP, and on all Linux/BSD/UNIX systems. It is written in C++ and is distributed persuant to the GNU General Public License. SLFFEA - San Le's Free Finite Element Analysis - A package of scientific software and graphical user interfaces for use in finite element analysis. SLFFEA runs on 32-bit Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP and all Linux/BSD/UNIX systems, including IRIX. It is written in ANSI C by San Le and distributed under the terms of the GNU license. Impact Finite Element Program - Impact - An explicit Finite Element Program Suite which simulates dynamic impact events. It has a range of elements, contact handling and different material laws. Impact can be used to predict most dynamic events such as car crashes or metal sheet punch operations. They usually involve large deformations and high velocities. Simulations are made on a virtual three dimensional model which can be created with a pre-processor or with the built-in Fembic language. Results are viewed in a post-processor, but there are also interfaces available for more advanced pre-and postprocessors such as GiD or Gmsh. Impact is licensed under the GNU General Public License. It is written in Java so it can run on most popular platforms. FEVal - Python Finite Element Evaluator - FEVal provides for easy conversion for many Finite Element data formats, both binary and ASCII. Mesh modification is very easy. Values of model results can be accessed given coordinates in physical space. FEVal is distributed under the GNU General Public License. femML - The finite element modeling Markup Language - An application to address the problems of data interpretation and application interoperability in the field of Finite Element Modeling. femML is an XML-based language for describing finite element models and associated results for application data exchange and integration. Tochnog Finite Element Program - Explicit/Impicit Finite Element Program with linear/nonlinear, elastic/hyperelastic/hypoelastic/ plastic/visco, contact,thermal, fluid capabilities. h/p refinements. Parallel/Distributed solvers available. No shell elements but has 2D beams, trusses. Tochnog is written in C++ and operates under all 32-bit Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP systems and all Linux/BSD/UNIX systems. It is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. libMesh - A C++ Finite Element Library. libMesh handles Hexahedral, Tetrahedral, Quadrilateral, and Triangle meshes. It uses Lagrangian, Hierarchic, and Monomial finite elements. Interface to PETSc solvers, adaptive mesh refinement, and extreme portablility. The libMesh library is actively developed at The University of Texas at Austin in the CFDLab and at Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg, Modelling and Computation in Germany. A major focus of libMesh is to provide support for adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) computations in parallel while allowing a research scientist to focus on the physics they are modeling. The library makes use of high-quality, existing software whenever possible. It is suitable for use on all Linux/BSD/UNIX systems, including MacOS X. It is released under the terms of the GNU Library or Lesser General Public License. iMOOSE - A general purpose application framework for the development of Finite Element solvers and related tools. It mainly focuses on electromagnetic problem arising from the design of electrical machines. It is developed at the Department of Electrical Machines of Aachen University, Germany. The core and main applications are now released under the GNU General Public License. iMOOSE runs on Linux/BSD/UNIX systems. FFElt - An open source system for finite element analysis, primarily for mechanical problems. FElt includes command line tools, an X11 interface for pre- and post-processing, and a Windows editor interface with some post-processing capabilities. FFElt is written in C and distributed persuant to the GNU General Public License. It runs on 32-bit Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP systems, as well as Linux/BSD/UNIX systems. ADFC - ADFC Navier-Stokes solver - A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solver for incompressible viscous flow over 2D and 3D geometries. It uses finite element and the characteristic method on unstructured meshes to solve Navier-Stokes equations. This software tool provides much information about the cases it solves: speed field, pressure field, speed divergence, drag and lift coefficients, contaminant transport, pressure and speed gradient figures, turbulence distribution, particle tracing, and so on. It is possible to define complex geometries due to unstructured meshes and a wide range of boundary conditions. ADFC uses a differential conjugated gradient and, when necessary, a turbulence model which can be Smagorinsky or K-epsilon. This code deals with calculation methods and problem solving, but other important processes such as geometry definition, meshing and postprocess must rely on other programs. ADFC is written in C++ and Java, and is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License. It runs on all 32-bit Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP systems and all Linux/BSD/UNIX systems. The ability to read Spanish will be an advantage to users of this system. Ellipt2d - a finite element program for solving second order, real and complex, two-dimensional elliptic problems with user-defined operators. Because Ellipt2d is written in Python, the code can easily be adapted for specific problems. Ellipt2d solves equations of the form: -div(F*grad(v)) + gv = s, where F (a tensor), g and s are user-supplied functions of x and y. The software is designed to be easily extendable, and is quick to write and understand because it's based on Python. Ellipt2d is distributed under the GNU General Public License. Full functionality requires Python 2.2 or later. In addition, if it is desired to build the shared libraries, a source version of Python and a C compiler are needed. CMISS Bioengineering Modelling Software - A mathematical modelling environment that allows the application of finite element analysis, boundary element and collocation techniques to a variety of complex bioengineering problems. It consists of a number of modules including a graphical front end with advanced 3D display and modelling capabilities, and a computational backend that may be run remotely on powerful workstations or supercomputers. CMISS is written in C and runs on all 32-bit Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP systems and all Linux/BSD/UNIX systems. It requires OpenGL. CMISS is distributed under the Mozilla Public License 1.1. K Finite Element Method - KFEM - A client/server/CORBA software for solving partial differential equations. The server provides the solver while the client provides the input data and the handling of the output using a graphic library, vtk. KFEM is written in C and C++ and is distributed persuant to the GNU General Public License. It runs on all Linux/BSD/UNIX systems. EXODUS II - A model developed to store and retrieve transient data for finite element analyses. It is used for preprocessing, postprocessing, and code to code data transfer. ExodusII is based on netcdf. It includes the nemesis parallel extension. EXODUS II is written in C and FORTRAN, and runson all Linux/BSD/UNIX systems. it is released under the BSD License. TriGrid - FE Triangular Grid Builder - A two dimensional fine mesh finite element grid editing system. It includes constrained Delaunay triangulation, and automated grid resolution changes based on local attributes. TriGrid is written in C, C++, and FORTRAN, and runs on 32-bit Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP and Linux/BSD/UNIX systems. It is distributed persuant to the GNU General Public License. Arbitrary Transmission Line Calculator - atlc takes the form of a CAD package. It is used for analyzing and designing electrical transmission lines of arbitrary cross section. It can also be used for the design of directional couplers. Some parts are CPU intensive, so multiple CPUs are supported. atlc is primarily a UNIX or linux program, but great effort has been invested to make atlc portable. atlc is written in C and is distributed persuant to the GNU General Public License. MMTL - the Multilayer Multiconductor Transmission Line 2-D and 2.5-D electromagnetic modeling - A suite of field solver programs, which convert dimensions and materials properties into electronic design parameters. The MMTL suite consists of several programs, including lossy, loss-free, quasi-static, and full-wave simulators. Circuit parameters are computed by either the method of moments (MOM) or finite element methods (FEM). Basic per-unit-length parameters are generated by the simulator, and can be converted into HSPICE W-element models. MMTL is similar in many ways to commercial field solver products which typically cost thousands of dollars. There are some free calculators, such as those from UltraCAD, but they rely on simplified formulas for specific cases, instead of generalized electromagnetic modeling. MMTL is implemented in C, C++, FORTRAN, sh, and Tcl/Tk, and has been deployed on HP-UX, Linux, Windows, Solaris, and Alpha/OSF1. Please visit the Sourceforge project page for details. MMTL programs and supporting libraries and documentation have been under development at the Mayo Clinic since the mid-1980s. The programs were developed under government sponsored electronics research programs in the Special Purpose Processor Development Group (SPPDG). They have been employed extensively at Mayo and distributed to some government agencies and research collaborators. The software is released under the GNU General Public License. Transcalc - Transmission Line Calculator - An analysis and synthesis tool for calculating the electrical and physical properties of different kinds of RF and microwave transmission lines. Transcalc is built using the GIMP toolkit (GTK+) for its GUI interface. Transcalc was influenced by Agilent Technologies' commercial program linecalc, but is intended to be more functional. Transcalc is built using the GIMP toolkit (GTK) for its GUI interface. Transcalc is written in C distributed pursuant to the GNU General Public License version 2 or (licensee's option) later. Most suitable for Linux/UNIX systems. Field Model - FM - field-model - A C++ library with classes representing fields and the meshes to represent them. FM is a component enabling the interchange of data that come in a variety of mesh and field types. It uses a general, extensible model for field data. FM is a follow-on project to the FEL2 project. A key objective of the project has been to develop a foundation set of classes for field data such that others can contribute code built on that foundation. FM is written in C++, and is a work in progress. It runs on Linux/BSD/UNIX systems, including IRIX. FLUXp - A Computational Aerodynamics/Fluid Dynamics package for solving compressible flow problems. It contains the steady and unsteady, inviscid and viscous, serial and parallel(MPI-based) solvers. It was designed for unstructured grids and to have dynamic grid/mesh capability and in most cases is suitable for compressible 3D flows. FLUXp includes Euler, N-S, RANS, URANS and DES solvers. These solvers were written in C++ and Fortran. FLUXp is released under the provisions of the GNU general Public License. It runs on all Linux/BSD/UNIX systems. CFD General Notation System - CGNS - The CFD General Notation System (CGNS) provides a standard for recording and recovering computer data associated with the numerical solution of the equations of fluid dynamics. Current source is available by CVS, although only the downloads are supported. The CGNS system is designed to facilitate the exchange of data between sites and applications, and to help stabilize the archiving of aerodynamic data. The data are stored in a compact, binary format and are accessible through a complete and extensible library of functions. The API (Application Program Interface) is platform independent and can be easily implemented in C, C++, Fortran and Fortran90 applications. The CGNS project originated in 1994 as a joint effort between Boeing and NASA, and has since grown to include many other contributing organizations worldwide. The system is written in C and FORTRAN. It is distributed pursuant to the zlib/libpng License. OpenFOAM - Open Field Operation and Manipulation - A CFD Toolbox that can simulate complex fluid flows involving chemical reactions, turbulence and heat transfer. In addition, it is sufficiently general to be used for a broad range of problems in the physical sciences and engineering mechanics. It includes utilities to perform pre- and post-processing tasks ranging from simple data manipulations to visualisation and mesh processing. OpenFOAM is supplied with numerous pre-configured solvers, utilities and libraries and so can be used like any typical simulation package. However, it is open, not only in terms of source code, but also in its structure and hierarchical design, so that its solvers, utilities and libraries are fully extensible. It is written in C++ and Java and is distributed under the GNU General Public License. DUNS - Diagonalized Upwind Navier-Stokes code - A 2D/3D, structured, multi-block, multi-species, reacting, steady/unsteady, Navier Stokes fluid dynamics code with q-omega turbulence model. The DUNS code is a research code developed at the Propulsion Engineering Research Center at Penn State University in the mid to late 1990's. The object of the DUNS code was to make a CFD code both flexible and fairly general, and made great strides in that area compared with other codes I worked on while at Penn State, but it remains primarily a research code and does not have the same level of testing or validation that commercial codes have. We made it available on the internet at the request of some people because it can be applied to many different problems, but we were never able to devote the resources and manpower needed to make it truly user friendly and maintain it, or to do a complete set of validations to ensure that it runs correctly on a wide range of problems, especially for people who have little or no experience with CFD. It should certainly not be used as a replacement for commercial packages such as FLUENT, unless the people using it have considerable experience with CFD. The DUNS code has been developed using FORTRAN77 and C. It runs on Linux/BSD/UNIX systems, and is distributed pursuant to the GNU General Public License. The Gerris Flow Solver - Gerris - A tool for generic numerical simulations of flows (CFD), in geometrically complex geometries and including adaptive, multiphase and interfacial flows capabilities. Gerris is supported by NIWA (National Institute of Water and Atmospheric research) and by the Marsden Fund of the Royal Society of New Zealand. The code is written entirely in C and uses both the GLib Library and the GTS Library for geometrical functions and object-oriented programming. The code is suitable for Linux/BSD/UNIX platforms, including OS X, and is being actively developed. It is available persuant to the GNU General Public License OpenFlower - FLOW solvER - A C++ CFD code mainly intended to solve the turbulent incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with a LES approach. It can deal with arbitrary complex 3D geometries with its finite volume approach. OpenFlower is written in C++. It operates on Linux/BSD/UNIX systems and is distributed pursuant to the GNU General Public License. cfengine - A superior implementation of the cfengine 1.x server daemon. It has been tested with cfengine v1.4.17 and v1.5.3 clients. It should work with older v1.4.x and other v1.5.x clients. It is written in PERL and runs on all Linux/BSD/UNIX systems. It is released under the GNU General Public License. ADMesh - A program for processing triangulated solid meshes. ADMesh reads the STL file format that is used for rapid prototyping applications, although it can write STL, VRML, OFF, and DXF files. It is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. ADMesh is run from the command-line. It runs on Linux/UNIX type systems. Chalmesh - A 3-D overlapping grid generator. Chalmesh uses OpenGL (or optionally Mesa) to do 3-D graphics. It runs on Linux and UNIX systems. Written by Anders Petersson; Hydromechanics, Dept. of Naval Arch. and Ocean Eng.; Chalmers University of Technology; 412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden Gmsh - An automatic 3D finite element grid generator (primarily Delaunay) with a build-in CAD engine and post-processor. Its design goal is to provide a simple meshing tool for academic problems with parametric input and advanced visualization capabilities. Gmsh is built around four modules: geometry; mesh; solver; and post-processing. Gmsh is developed by Christophe Geuzaine (currently with Case Western Reserve University) and Jean-François Remacle (currently with the Catholic University of Louvain). The CREDITS file has more information. Gmsh is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. Gmsh runs on Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP, Linux (requires glibc 2.3+), Mac OS X 10.3.9+.

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Computational Software - Physical Sciences/Engineering

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MPN: cs2058

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Brand: Geruva

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